You're Human ❦ 2018

A children's book that is directed to young girls who are of the age of 9-13. The book includes illustrations and a poem that highlights what will happen to a young women’s body as they grow. Showing images of the natural body can help develop prideful thoughts about their own bodies, and what they might go through as an adolescent. The outcome is to make girls more prideful about themselves and possibly be more vain towards their natural bodies.

You’re Human❦ Poem

When you grow you'll notice some changes.

You’re gonna sprout some extra hair.
Over here down there and everywhere.

It's okay to leave it out,
that's what growing is all about!

Your body will feel stumpy,
clumpy and overall plumpy.

You’ll start getting red, pink and blue;
feeling a lot less like you.

Sometimes your body will dimple and crinkle;
It will etch, freckle, stretch and scar.

But that's what will make you different;
That’s what sets you apart.

Bodies comes in all shapes and sizes,
Making the best surprises.

It's okay to be you,
in the imperfect body
you’ll grow into.

- You’re Human 2018